L i s t o f W o r k s
Select Concert Music:
trombone trio
*commissioned by triangulum trombone trio, based out of
fargo, north dakota
to be premiered april 2017
soprano and piano
*text by matthew and morgan caroll (2010)
*winner of 2017 The Summer Singers Young Composers Competition
*text by athena kildegaard (2016)
a short study for a small violinist| 2016
violin and piano
soprano and piano
*text by stefan george (1916)
sketches of an ellipsistic klexos | 2016
flute, english horn, two violins, viola, cello
trombone and cello
solo viola
the psychology of sound | 2016
solo piano
trombone, vibraphone, and piano (2015)
soprano and piano (2015)
in memory of a love so young | 2014
two violins, viola, cello
*winner of the Iron Composer Competition; University of North Dakota
the record player is broken | 2014
prepared solo cello
Electronic Music:
fixed media
fixed media
fixed media
fixed media and amplified double base
Film Music:
Serenity 2m9 | 2015
rescored from the film “Serenity”
*sponsered by the Student Government Association Summer Research Scholar Program
Adrift | 2015
rescored short film
Twenty Three Words | 2015
full independent film
*commissioned by the Film and Literature Capstone; Concordia College
Damp Spirits | 2015
rescored short film
Man Vs. River | 2015
full independent film
*sponsored by the Undergraduate Sustainability Research Grant Program; Concordia College
FAR too GOne | 2015
rescored from the 1938 film “The River” using four live voices