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Featured publication on "Composer's Toolbox"

Panelist and presenter at the Bowling Green State University Graduate Music Conference, February 2017

Topic: "Opera as Effective Youth Outreach" 


Featured publication on "Listening to Ladies"

Featured publication on Minnesota Public Rado

Read more here at:


Named a preliminary talent and overall non-finalist talent winner and recipient of a $2,000 scholarship from the Miss America Foundation.


Read more:


Crowned Miss Minnesota 2017 and will represent Minnesota at the Miss America Competition on September 10th, live on ABC. Read more:


Eli Eli selected as The Summer Singers Young Composers Competition 2017 Winner.

 July 2017: Minneapolis/St. Paul, Minnesota

Read the press release here:

David's Run performed at the NoiseFloor2017 International Electronic Music Festival at Staffordshire University, Stoke-onTrent, United Kingdom. 

Rapture performed as a call for scores winner conducted by soprano Alondra Vega in April 2017 in Toronto, Canada.

World premiere of [in.fl8] took place on April 2017 by the Triangulum Trio.

Recent performance of electronic works David's Run, Marbleux, and The Night Seems Blacker at Circuit721 series at Concordia College in March 2017.

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All internal content ©Brianna Drevlow

2014 - 2018

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